Famous Quotes

Famous Quote About Fasting

“In my 55 years medical journey, I have to make such declaration – fasting is the only trusted unique therapy.”


“Fasting could evidently revive the youthfulness of our skin, remove wrinkles, black spot, freckles, rashes and swollen cells.”


“Fasting is the grettttat repair works for the recovery of one’s vitality. Fasting for 3 times a year would allow blood cleansing; eliminate body toxin and element that cause sickness. This is a better and more effective way than good drugs.”


“Over the years, our body has accumulated excess nutrients or waste. The purpose of fasting is to allow the stomach and colon to take a rest, let the excess nutrients in our body be completely burnt, at the same time thoroughly clear off the accumulated faeces in our colon. It would also discard away the excess fats and resolve constipation problem. This kind of wholesome body cleansing is a quick and effective method to overall healthy body maintenance. A lot of unknown pain, itchiness, and swelling would be healed without any medication!”

Ou Yang Yin - Master of Diet Therapy

“Light fasting not only gives you health, at the same time, one attains spiritual happiness.”

Tolstoy - Famous Russian Writer

“Light fasting helps to clean our organs and body fluids, thus enable a significant change of the body composition and our souls.”

Erich Pascal - France Biological Scholar, Noble Prize winner for Biological Studies

“The skin is renewed, full of radiant, the eyes shines brilliantly, vivid expression, with the age appear to be younger by 10 to 20 years. From the revival of the skin, it is easy to notice that the various parts of the body have also been restored to its youthfulness.”

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